Catfish as Bait
The overpopulation of Brown Bullheads (catfish) in our river systems, has made fishing increasingly difficult, and frustrating, for those in the traditional fisheries (eel, shad, gaspereau). When the fishing gear is pulled, it is, more often than not, filled with these catfish instead of the eels, shad, or gaspereau they are actually fishing for. The overabundance of catfish has reached the point of causing financial hardship to our river fishermen and poses a threat to the continuance of the traditional fisheries. Since 2014, Fundy North has been trying to find a solution to the catfish problem. ​
Any new fishery targeting Brown Bullhead would require a lengthy application and experimental phase through the New and Emerging Species Policy. This would need to show that the population could remain sustainable with fishing effort, that there is a viable market for these fish, among other requirements. We already know that Brown Bullhead are nutritious for humans to eat.
1. Excellent source of protein
2. Low in saturated fatty acids
3. Free of trans fatty acids
4. Source of omega-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids
5. Low in sodium
6. Extra lean
7. Source of potassium
8. Source of magnesium
9. Good source of selenium
Toxin levels were also well within CFIA guidelines.
​If you are interested in marketing catfish, or have any other questions regarding Brown Bullhead in our rivers, please contact Fundy North at (506) 529-4165 or email (info@fundynorth.org).